About me
Since 1993 I have been practicing meditation and self-awareness.
I am a certified Coach and Aura Mediator™ working with clients for more than 10 years.
Certified in Sensitive Coaching, astrology, energy work, shamanism, Quantum Healing, Reiki I + II, Master Teacher in Magnified Healing,
Sai Shakti Healing, NLP and Trinergy Master Practitioner, Qigong Practitioner, training to channel with Rhiannon Augenthaler,
Certified Awakening Coach through Arjuna Ardagh.
Aura Mediator™
PSYCH-K ® Facilitator
Gene Keys ambassador
Workshops with Drunvalo Melchizedek, Chuck Spezzano, Dr. Joe Dispenza,
Rebirthing and Liberation Breathing with Sondra and Markus Ray,
and many others.
I work with clients and support them on their path to self-awareness, self- love and self-esteem.
My purpose is to support people to live their lives with more love, joy and clarity, to become more conscious and unfold their potential to benefit themselves, those around them and society.